Wednesday, July 31, 2013

I'm back!

I don't really have any reasons for going this long between posts. Lots of excuses, but no reasons, really. Does that even make sense? Probably not. 

A lot has happened in 3 months! We found out we are expecting baby #5 in December! We started a kitchen remodel, which started great and became a disaster very quickly. We are still trying to put our kitchen back together. I'll share more on that another time. 

We did not go on vacation this summer, we had planned on going on vacation in December........but then came the baby no trip in December! We have done nothing this summer, really. It has been wonderful. The kids have spent time with grandparents, we have become a permanent fixture at our neighborhood pool,  had a great week of VBS, Matthew and Andrew had birthdays.....nothing out of this world....but it has been great. We are gearing up to start school on Aug 10, until then we are frequenting the snow cone stands, playing UNO when it's too hot to go to the pool, watching movies, especially westerns (my fav)....and just enjoying the slower pace before we get back into the swing of a new school year. 

I read a blog yesterday and the topic was "summer confessions." You know....the stuff you let slide in the summer because...well, its summer. Here are a few of mine.

  • This week, I have washed the same load of laundry 3 times because I kept forgetting to put it in the dryer and it got that disgusting mildew smell. Yep, 3 times.
  •  I fed my kids cheez-its and grapes for lunch twice this week.
  • On Monday we were home all day (pool closed for cleaning) and I let Andrew take 3 showers, just to keep him entertained.
  •  I'm pretty sure I was more excited about seeing Despicable 2 than my kids were. Seriously...I couldn't wait.