Tuesday, September 29, 2015

September Reading

Anyone who knows anything about me knows that I love children's books. I want to own all of them, I want to read all of them (over and over and over), I want to jump into the pictures and live in them. I know, it's a little over-the-top. I love the illustrations, the colors, the simplicity and the innocence I find in children's books. I thought blogging about what we read each month would be a great way for me to keep a list of the books I really liked. So, here is what I read with my littles in September. This is not a list of everything we read, but it's a list of the ones I would love to check out again. Or buy. 

I'm not even a cat person, and I fell in love with this book. It is precious. PRESH-US. 

Sweet little book about a boy and his dad and their Friday tradition.

This is one I will probably buy. It's about a little girl who spends the day helping her grandmother do the laundry, with lye soap and all. Something about a granddaughter/grandmother story just sucks me right in. 

I'll admit. This was not one of my favorites (it was kinda sad) but my 6-year-old and 9-year-old really liked it. I was surprised, really. 

Loved it. It's on my Amazon wish list. 

Little House on the Prairie is ALWAYS a winner. 

The illustrations were beautiful and the little girl reminded me so much of Rachel. Very sweet story.

Oldie but a goodie.

I remember my mom reading this one to me and my brother. I think I've read this one 7,864 times to my own kids. It's a classic. And so much better than the movie. 

And lastly, Ferdinand. This is another one that I have read more times than I can count. I love it every time. If I could, I would adopt Ferdinand and spend the days smelling the flowers right alongside him. 

So, those are a few of the books we read this month. I try to read each one at least 3 times before we take them back to the library. I love reading with my babes. Love it. 

What are some of your favorite children's books? I would love to know!

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