Wednesday, March 12, 2014

These Days

Wow. It has been 6 months since my last post. I've been busy. We welcomed baby #5 into our lives on December 26, 2013 and life has been a bit of a blur since. We are completely in love with our new little guy, Jude Tennessee. His brothers and sister are pretty smitten with him. We get asked, "Why Jude?" and, "Where does Tennessee come from?" We chose the name Jude because well, for starters, we love it. We also love the Book of Jude in the Bible, and we love the meaning of Jude, which is "praise." Tennessee is an old family name on my mother's side. My great-grandmother's name was Tennessee, and my great- aunt's name was Tennessee Belle.  I bet you can't guess where they resided until they settled in Oklahoma. So there ya have it! 

These days are so busy and go by so quickly, it's no wonder I have put blogging on the back burner. Here is a peek of life these days. 

 We are back to diaper changes, middle-of-the-night feedings, spit-ups, cooing, swaddling, and cuddling......lots of cuddling! 

My house is a wreck all the time. All. the. time. But that is okay, because this season will not last forever. I am enjoying my family more than ever. Because I know how quickly this time will pass with a new baby in the house, I am enjoying all of it. Even the messes. 
 See those boots on the right? That is Henry Bob's latest stunt, and it was almost his last.

Hey, at least it's clean! 

I think the Playmobil Vikings are protecting the air purifier. Very important.

So, yes, there are lots of messes. Dishes to be washed, laundry to be folded, toys to pick up (okay, or just step over), but its okay because I get to spend every day with these people:

 "Children are a gift from the Lord;
they are a reward from Him."
Psalm 127:3



  1. You have such a sweet family. God has blessed you!

  2. btw on your blog on the right you still have 4 kids listed. Not that you have had time to change it. lol
